


Digestive problems and loss of appetite occur as a result of inadequate nutrition schemes, nutritional diseases, deficiencies of macro- and microelements, and vitamins.

Young animals which do not receive appropriate nutrition develop deficiencies of basic dietary nutrients. The deficiencies, in turn, result in multiple dysfunctions.

There is an important group of nutritional supplements which have a favourable effect on the health status of livestock. The group includes: feed
yeast, sodium butyrate and mycotoxin-binding additives. They are valuable natural materials which:

  • deliver active nutrients,
  • are a source of good-quality protein and energy,
  • supply vitamins and biologically active substances,
  • mineral components.

Nutritional additives should be highly digestible and stimulate appetite.


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  • Agrifood sp. z o.o.sp.k.
    ul. M. Kopernika 12
    63-940 Bojanowo
  • +48 65 545 62 45